The Authentically YOU Asynchronous Course is now available! If you want your outside life to look more like the life you imagine inside, join me. You can create a life you love. One step at a time.

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Create A Life you Love!

be the version of you who Can and will reach your dreams!

Painting: An Atmosphere in Which Miracles Can Occur by Tara Baden

I EQUIP, guide, & encourage YOU As you Get clear on and act toward your life vision!

TAP INTO your inner Power



You have hopes and dreams for your future. There may never seem like a good time to take this other path, but you can choose life on your own terms. Small or big changes make a difference, but you can’t get something different until you do something different. You deserve to experience how fulfilling this life can be. Something within you already knows this! That’s why you are here.

I help you tap into and cultivate your inner knowing or intuition. So you are clarifying and creating your dreams. Possibly you have opposing dreams and they are canceling each other out. What you really want is important, in fact, it’s everything. I’ll help you understand why. I equip you with tools and resources along your path, encourage you, offer accountability, and help you focus on one, manageable, next right step after another towards the life you want. If you aren’t sure where to begin, we start there. My program, Authentically YOU, prepares you for your path, giving you tools for your journey. My coaching and weekly support calls help you go deeper on the concepts, applying the information in a personalized way.

If you are ready to act toward this life, I’m ready to guide you toward your dreams. Whether it’s one or multiple areas of your life you want to change, let's make it happen! My approach is based on my personal experience transforming my own life, combined with decades of professional counseling and coaching experience, tools, and resources. The right information, insight, and encouragement coupled with your action will lead you towards the life you want!

ONLINE Courses

Authentically YOU

Often we stay in the safety of good enough lives. We are grateful for what we do have yet longing for what’s stirring within us. Dreams, visions, recurring ideas about what our life could look like invite us to do something different or possibly to go on an adventure. We want to but don’t know how, are scared, or we don’t want to hurt the people around us by doing something new that would make them shift also. We test the waters and can’t seem to sustain momentum. You weren’t meant to go in a direction, you were meant to go in your direction. You will stay the path when you are the version of you that can but the work is joyously becoming that version of us. It doesn’t have to be as hard as it feels.

I designed this course in response to that challenge. How do we move forward when we are scared, uncertain, and confused? In this online, self-paced course, I lead you through the process of creating a life you love. You will become empowered with new information that helps you confidently move forward, tools to be your strongest self and to believe in your capabilities, and resources to apply when needed.

You deserve to feel what your dream life actually feels like to live! Just begin…

Inner Power Tool

Do you wish you or your life looked different? Do you have sporadic bursts of seeing yourself at your best? Do you wish you had more confidence, support, certainty, momentum, or any other number of traits you perceive as missing yet are closer than you realize? I did too. God, the Universe, is within us. When we connect to this part of ourselves and act from this space, our capacity changes! We begin believing we can do anything, because the truth is, we can!

Online Workshop

Authentically YOU: Create a Life you Love!

Often just enough is going right with our life, we skip doing the big or small things we want to be different because life is good enough. Sometimes our life is so full we don’t have the energy or time to make changes. You are going in a direction but is it your direction? This doesn’t happen by following someone else’s blueprint. As you take stock of where you are and where you want to be, you can make one, manageable shift at a time, which will position you to receive something new. What if you actually can live the life you’ve been envisioning, interacting with people in the way you’ve been dreaming of? If you can imagine it, it’s possible. Why does this matter? I believe we were meant to live a life we love. To create this life, we get to be honest about what’s in our heart.

The big question: If not now, when?

Join me and a small group of other people making similar strides. This supportive community can give you the courage to reach for your goals!



Live the life you want.

Become the person you have always wanted to be.

Trust yourself and the answers within you!

I am an authenticity and intuition guide and coach devoted to growth and change. My life purpose is walking alongside people healing and creating life on their own terms. I am devoted to being my highest self and am passionate about supporting others doing the same. It’s this version of us that reaches our dreams. This version of us is whole, all of who we are meant to be. I believe we can all experience the freedom to create our own life!

My 27 years as a licensed clinical mental health counselor and leader in the mental health and wellness industry, coupled with the skills I learned on my own journey, have equipped me to offer you a framework to create a life you will love living!

We don’t know what we don’t know and we are afraid to do what we’ve never done. I not only connect you with necessary information to move beyond normal and expected barriers but give you skills to practice and tools to use when needed along your journey. Change can be invigorating if we let it be. I'll guide you through the exciting process of expanding your understanding of what is possible in the world. With this changed lens, you will see your capabilities and choices are greater than you realized.

Each person’s path is unique. As you find and follow your authentic path, you will discover a version of your Self that is fully equipped to see solutions over problems. I’m committed to helping people design a life that lights them up.

What makes me different? I exude excitement about LIFE! Watch out, my enthusiasm is contagious! You FEEL my curiosity and desire to grow and learn new ways the world works. New understandings open new doors! And I’m not only a coach but a counselor. This allows me to understand not only the next step but why taking it can be scary. I help prepare you mind, body, and spirit for where you’re headed. I don’t just talk about changing your life, I’ve changed mine. I’m willing to be vulnerable and share parts of my story so you can see you aren’t alone. Because you aren’t! When you know what I know, your life can’t help but change.

Contact me at with questions or to discuss where to get started!



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